Henrik Ibsen

, /10

Henrik Ibsen (Norway, 1828)

Kongsemnerne/ The Pretenders (1864) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Brand (1866) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Peer Gynt (1867) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

De Unges Forbund/ League of Youth (1869) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Kejser og Galilaer/ Emperor and Galilean (1873) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Samfundets Stotter/ The Pillars of Society (1877) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Et Dukkehjem/ Doll's House/ Casa di Bambole (1879) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Gengangere/ Ghosts/ Spettri (1881) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

En Folkefiende/ An Enemy of the People (1882) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Vildanden/ The Wild Duck/ Anatra Selvatica (1884) [t] ++

synopsis forthcoming

Rosmersholm (1886) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Fruen fra Havet/ The Lady from the Sea/ Donna del Mare (1888) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Hedda Gabler (1890) [t] ++

synopsis forthcoming

Bygmester Solness/ The Master Builder (1892) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Little Eyolf (1894) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

John Gabriel Borkman (1896) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Nar vi Dode Vagner/ When We Dead Awaken (1899) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

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