Titus Maccius Plautus

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Titus Maccius Plautus (254 BC)

Asinaria (3rd c BC) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Bacchides (3rd c BC) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Cistellaria (3rd c BC) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Casina (3rd c BC) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Mercator (3rd c BC) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Stichus (3rd c BC) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Miles Gloriosus (3rd c BC) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Rudens/ The Rope (211 BC) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Captivi (211 BC) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

Menaechmi (3rd c BC) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

Pseudolus (3rd c BC) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

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