Lev Tolstoy

, /10

Lev Tolstoy (Russia, 1828)

"Otrochestvo]/ Boyhood" (1854)

synopsis forthcoming

"Metel/ Snowstorm" (1856)

synopsis forthcoming

"Yunost/ Youth" (1856)

synopsis forthcoming

"Dva Gusara/ Two Hussars" (1856)

synopsis forthcoming

"Utro Pomeshchika/ A Landowners Morning " (1856)

synopsis forthcoming

"Sevastopolskie Rasskazy/ Sebastopol Tales" (1856)

synopsis forthcoming

"Tri Smerti/ Three Deaths" (1858)

synopsis forthcoming

"Semeinoe Schaste/ Family Happiness" (1858)

synopsis forthcoming

"Kazaki/ The Cossacks" (1863)

synopsis forthcoming

"Polikushka" (1863)

synopsis forthcoming

"Voina i Mir/ War and Peace/ Guerra e Pace" (1869) ++

synopsis forthcoming

"Anna Karenina" (1877) ++

synopsis forthcoming

"V Chyom Moya Vera/ What I Believe" (1883) [h]

synopsis forthcoming

"Otets Sergii/ Father Sergius" (1884)

synopsis forthcoming

"Cto Takoe Iskusstvo/ What Is Art" (1885) [h]

synopsis forthcoming

"Smert' Ivana Ilicha/ The Death of Ivan Ilyich/ Morte di Ivan Ilic" (1886) +

synopsis forthcoming

"Vlast' tmy/ The Power of Darkness" (1888) [t] +

synopsis forthcoming

"Plody Prosveshcheniia/ The Fruits of Enlightenment/ Frutti dell'Istruzione" (1889) [t]

synopsis forthcoming

"Kreitserova Sonata/ Kreutzer Sonate" (1890) +

synopsis forthcoming

"Dyavol/ The Devil" (1890)

synopsis forthcoming

"Hozjain i Rabotnik/ Master and Man/ Padrone e Servitore" (1895)

synopsis forthcoming

"Khadzhi Murat" (1896)

synopsis forthcoming

"Voskresenie/ Resurrection/ Resurrezione" (1899) +

synopsis forthcoming

"Ne Mogu Moltshat/ I Cannot Be Silent" (1908) [h]

synopsis forthcoming

"Zhivoi Trup/ The Living Corpse/ Cadavere Vivente" (1910) [t]

synopsis forthcoming
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